In Winston Churchill's Address to the Congress of the United States on (December 26, 1941). He utilized in his closing statements, a gestalt of sorts, concerning the reasoning's for WWII. “If you will allow me to use other language, I will say that he must indeed have a blind soul who cannot see that some great purpose and design is being worked out here below of which we have the honor to be the faithful servants”
As well as this, at about midpoint of His address, He offers up courage to all participants of the War Campaign, by quoting the words of the Psalmist: “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings. His heart is fixed, trusting in The Lord.”
The last Surviving Chaplain of this War... as has been the case of any past, present, or future Field Chaplain... has most certainly found, or undoubtedly will find themselves face to face, with the challenging task of proving those “Truthful Quotes” of Winston Churchill as being “Self Evident” to the Soldiers they are ministering to. Especially those who find themselves to be held within the grips of horror, post traumata, fatally wounded, and, or, dying. The unique manner in which this Last Chaplain of WWII administers the inspired revelation that he received by the... “Holding of his every human thought, captive to the Mind of The Maker” becomes explicitly revealed, in the reading of His Last Will and Testament, during his media rich funeral service. Thus releasing That “Mind of The Maker’s Healing Recipe” to all future Chaplains, Soldiers, Their Families, and Citizens, of Our Great Nation...